(Translation version, for reference only)
Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10.
The National Assembly promulgates the Law on Enterprise Income Tax.
Article 1.- Governing scope
This Law provides for enterprise income taxpayers, taxable incomes, tax-exempt incomes, tax bases, tax calculation methods, and tax incentives.
Article 2.- Taxpayers
1. Taxpayers are goods and service production and business organizations which have taxable incomes under the provisions of this Law (below referred to as enterprises), including:
a/ Enterprises established under Vietnamese law;
b/ Enterprises established under foreign laws (below referred to as foreign enterprises) with or without Vietnam-based permanent establishments;
c/ Organizations established under the Law on Cooperatives;
d/ Non-business units established under Vietnamese law;
e/ Other organizations engaged in income-generating production and business activities.
2. Enterprises having taxable incomes under Article 3 of this Law shall pay enterprise income tax as follows:
![]() (Translation version, for reference only) Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001, of the Xth National Assembly, the 10th session; This Law provides for import tax and export tax.
Article 1.- Governing scope This Law provides for import tax and export tax applicable to goods imported or exported through Vietnam’s border-gates or borders; goods sold, purchased or exchanged by border residents and other sold, purchased or exchanged goods, which are considered import or export goods. Article 2.-Tax-liable objects Except for goods defined in Article 3 of this Law, goods in the following cases shall be liable to import tax or export tax: 1. Goods imported or exported through Vietnam’s border-gates or borders; 2. Goods brought from the domestic market into non-tariff zones or from non-tariff zones into the domestic market. Article 3.- Objects not liable to tax Goods in the following cases shall not be liable to import tax or export tax: 1. Goods in transit or being transported across Vietnam’s border-gates or borders; goods transferred through border-gates as provided for by the Government; 2. Humanitarian aid, non-refundable aid; 3. Goods exported from non-tariff zones to foreign countries, goods imported from foreign countries into non-tariff zones for use in non-tariff zones only, and goods transported from one non-tariff zone to another; 4. Goods being petroleum portions paid to the State in value as natural resource tax when exported. Article 4.- Taxpayers Organizations and individuals that have import or export goods being tax-liable objects defined in Article 2 of this Law are payers of import tax or export tax. |
![]() (Translation version, for reference only) Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10; The National Assembly promulgates the Law on Value-Added Tax CHAPTER I
This Law provides for objects subject and not subject to value-added tax, taxpayers, tax bases, tax calculation methods, and tax credit and refund. Article 2.- Value-added tax Value-added tax is a tax imposed on the added value of goods or services arising in the process from production, circulation to consumption. Article 3.- Taxable objects Goods and services used for production, trading or consumption in Vietnam are subject to value-added tax, except those specified in Article 5 of this Law. Article 4.- Taxpayers Taxpayers include organizations and individuals producing or trading in goods or services subject to value-added tax (below referred to as business establishments) and organizations and individuals importing goods subject to value-added tax (below referred to as importers). Article 5.- Non-taxable objects 1. Cultivation and husbandry products, and reared and fished aquatic products which have not yet been processed into other products or have been just preliminarily processed and sold by producing and fishing organizations and individuals, and products at the stage of importation. 2. Products which are animal breeds and plant varieties, including breeding eggs, breeding animals, seedlings, seeds, sperms, embryos and genetic materials. 3. Irrigation and drainage; soil ploughing and harrowing; dredging of intra-field canals and ditches for agricultural production; services of harvesting farm produce. 4. Salt products made of seawater, natural rock salt, refined salt and iodized salt. |