“ FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) is the best motivation in 30 innovating years ”

Professor Nguyen Mai, Chairman of Foreign Investment Association affirmed that “FDI is the best motivation in 30 innovating years” in the interview of Customs Paper.

FDI Capital is very important and is the big source of revenue for government’s budget. In the future, the number of capital is much bigger as projects of FDI enterprises are put in operation. For industry, 50% of value of industry product is from FDI enterprises currently. In export, export turnover of FDI is 70% and always export surplus. In first 3 months of 2017, FDI exported nearly USD 6,5 billion. FDI contributes in creating main industries that are indispensable in industrialization in Vietnam.

Currently, there are 23.000 FDI enterprises over the country with 4 million of job and that contributes to government’s budget, some of them affected environment but not majority. Moreover, polluted environment is caused by not FDI enterprises only, but also domestic enterprises, including state-owned companies and private companies. Therefore, problems should be solved overall and thoroughly. In past 30 years of attracting FDI, beside the difficulties, in general, FDI is the greatest motivation in Vietnam market.

Industrial parks where attracting FDI investors created a large number of jobs for laborer, reduces unemployment, improves their lifestyle and develops the socio-economic in local area. 

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