To response the National Week for industrial safety and hygiene - fire safety of 15th 2013, on March 22nd 2013, Long Jiang IP with Tien Giang Steering Committee of National Week of industrial safety hygiene - fire safety organized a meeting and fire fighting rehearsal. In the meeting there were representatives of Tien Giang province, Tan Phuoc district, local leaders, employees of Hailiang Corporation and other enterprises in Long Jiang Industrial Park, total of more than 600 people.
After listening to the review of the implementation of labor protection in 2012 by Tan Phuoc district and speeches reporting industrial safety hygiene - fire safety in 2012 and directions in 2013 by HaiLiang Company, Mr. Tran Van Nhan, Tan Phuoc district deputy chairman and the Chief of steering committee has announced decision to reward to unit which had good records in industry safety hygiene - fire safety in the district, including Hailiang Company. He called on all enterprises and workers to increase awareness and responsibility in the implementation of industry safety hygiene - fire safety, more focused on training in order to raise awareness of industry safety hygiene - fire safety in the enterprise.
After the meeting, Fire Fighting Police, Tien Giang Police, provincial health department and fire protection force organized technical demonstration of fire protection and rescue in Hailiang Company. The rehearsal took place successfully.
The Meeting
The rehearsal