On July 28, 2017, General tax department announced the program in the country: “To accompany startup enterprises” with the slogan “to startup confidently, we accompany you”

11 08 2017

General Director of General tax department - Mr. Bui Van Nam and Chairman of VCCI - Mr. Vu Tien Loc press the button to start the program

Exchange with the reporter, Deputy General Director of General tax department, Mr. Nguyen Dai Tri showed that the purpose of program is to create favorable conditions for enterprises to approach easily supportive information channels of the tax department, to complete administrative procedures quickly, conviently and economically; to share and accompany enterprises to make them feel safe in trading. Then, enterprises could approach supportive informations, guidances from the establishment stage to declaration and application of tax, using the invoices and balance book.

For more easy approach, tax department opened private channels such as: to set up direct supportive points, provide phone number, email address. Especially, tax department established the program “To accompany startup enterprises” on website of General tax department and 63 tax departments of other areas. The program should provide fully important informations to enterprises; at the same time, the enterprises could send requirements to tax departments for the instructions.

According to: http://vcci-hcm.org.vn/kinh-te-trong-nuoc/nganh-thue-dong-hanh-cung-doanh-nghiep-khoi-nghiep-tt7025.html

         Collector:  Nguyen Tran Thai Hoa    Translator :  Nguyen Tran Thai Hoa     

The commitment of opening market up to more 99% of numbers of tax line and turnover, goods for export are applied 0%, Vietnam - EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is expected to be in valid in 2018 and bring many benefits and opportuinties for enterprises.

Minister of Industry and Commerce Ministry, Mr. Tran Tuan Anh assumed that when the Agreement is signed and effetive in 2018, Vietnam could be the biggest trade partner of EU in Asean. Moreover, Vietnam shall be the most hopeful destination of trade of European enterprises in Asean. Then, the position of Vietnam shall be raised higher in international trade relationship as well as EU to meet the demand of domestic and European enterprises.

According to: http://baochinhphu.vn/Hoi-nhap/Viet-Nam-co-the-tro-thanh-doi-tac-thuong-mai-lon-nhat-cua-EU-tai-ASEAN/312711.vgp

Collector:  Nguyen Tran Thai Hoa  Translator :  Nguyen Tran Thai Hoa  

 On July 21, Mr. Le Van Huong, Deputy provincial party committee secretary and Chairman of Tien Giang People’s Committee had worked with Plan and Investment.

At the meeting, Mr. Tran Van Dung, Director of Plan and Investment reported their duty in 6 early months of year; they simultaneously mentioned obstacles, difficulties for the best solutions.

In the past year, with the assignment, Plan and Investment department consulted provincial People’s Committee to implement successfully Province’s Decree, the plan of Provincial People’s Committee on 3 areas - urban economic development, environmental investment improvement, enterprise establishment, management quality, use effectively resources for promoting the investment and administrative reform.

Mr. Le Van Huong - Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the role of Plan and Investment department in social - economic development. At the same time, he desired the department to change and improve consultancy quality. Training work, studying, exchanging experiences need to be interested in it. The consultancy work shall be continued to offer solutions and suggestions for the province in investment. Purposes of Province’s Decree are implemented successfully and to cooperated with other departments for the common target, improve human resource quality in 3 areas urban economic development. 


CollectorPham Thi Ngoc Chon        Translator:  Nguyen Tran Thai Hoa 

2017721日在前江省会议中心,前江省人民委员会组办“与各日本咨询公司交流会”。出席此会议有前江省人民委员会副主席陈清德先生、JETRO日本驻胡志明贸易促进组织主任兼代表团团长Takimoto Koji先生及各领域的日本咨询公司代表团成员。龙江公司副总经理唐震宇代表公司参加此次会议。

31 07 2017 B1



31 07 2017 B2



原文作者::阮氏仁草           译文作者:阮氏仁草     

On July 21, 2017, at Tien Giang conference center, Provincial People’s Committee had held “Conference of Japanese consultant enterprises”. Joining the meeting are Mr. Tran Thanh Duc - Deputy Chairman of Tien Giang People’s Committee, Mr. Takimoto Koji - Head Representative and Office Director of JETRO in Hochiminh (delegation leader) and other members who are Japanese consultant enterprises operating in different industries. Mr. Tang Zhen Yu - Deputy General Director of Long Jiang Industrial Park Development Co.,Ltd - is honored to be invited to the meeting. 


31 07 2017 B1

The view of conference

At the meeting, Mr. Luu Van Phi - Director of Tien Giang Foreign Office presented briefly about the referential policies, attracting invesment policies, investment procedures, particularities of Tien Giang compared with other provinces. Japanese enterprises have contributed different opinions about investment industries in Tien Giang. Mr. Tran Thanh Duc - Tien Giang Deputy Chairman of People’s Committee and other departments responded and answered sincerely problems by Japanese enterprises. 

31 07 2017 B2


Tien Giang departments attending the conference and answeringproblems of Japanese enterprises.

In this day, the delegation visited and surveyed Long Jiang Industrial Park also. 

Author :  Nguyen Thi Nhan Thao Translator :  Nguyen Tran Thai Hoa  

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